

类型: 剧情




the story “centers on a hard-drinking, promiscuous salesman who becomes a quadriplegic after a tragic accident and struggles to come to terms with his predicament and with his future.”


  • 危险游戏2022 4.0 危险游戏2022
    2022 剧情
    简介:  A family reunion at a remote mansion takes a lethal turn when they are trapped inside and forced to play a deadly survival game where only one will make it out alive.
  • 阿拉丁神灯 8.0 阿拉丁神灯
    1961 剧情
    简介:  A poor young man finds a magic lamp that possesses a genie, who will grant the boy three wishes if he sets him free from the lamp.
  • 百万美人鱼 9.0 百万美人鱼
    1952 剧情
    简介:  本片根据真人真事改编,开创了歌舞片全新的表演艺术形式——花样游泳。女主人公安妮·凯勒(埃丝特·威廉斯 Esther Williams饰)是一名普通音乐教师的女儿。本想用游泳来治疗从小患上的腿病,没想到练就了一身游泳绝技。因为父亲调任工作的关系,安妮随父亲前往伦敦。在船上遇到了江湖卖艺的詹姆斯·苏利文(维克多·迈彻 Victor Mature饰)。他想利用安妮穿着泳装的表演来宣传造势,不料却使安妮意外的成为了媒体焦点,名声大噪。随后安妮的水上芭蕾舞表演就一发不可收拾,轰动一时。  本片荣获1953年奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖)最佳摄影(彩色片)提名。
  • 錘子與鐮刀 3.0 錘子與鐮刀
    1994 剧情
    简介:  This is an interesting yet bizarre little tale of a fictional (as far as I know, anyway) experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a man. This is part of a larger plan to change more women into men and have a stronger work-force/army, etc. It's a very in-depth character study of the main character, who tries to fit into a world that she (now 'he') doesn't really understand, especially since she's now a man ... Stalin dislikes the results of the experiments and has the scientist killed. The main character then goes off to live a life as a simple, unknown everyday Soviet, but is inexplicably drawn into larger and larger schemes (somewhat reminiscent of "Forrest Gump" in that way). (s)He has run-ins with different important characters, including his ex-boyfriend from his days of being a woman, as well as going on a demented quest for the nurse with whom he possibly fell in love after the operation... However, he is trapped in his life as an important Soviet married man, and in the end makes a huge sacrifice for his country (unwillingly), and the movie goes from there to an ending that is possibly happy, yet still somehow incredibly depressing.
  • 村路带我回家 10.0 村路带我回家
    1988 剧情
    简介:  文革期间,下乡女知青乔叶叶(李羚 饰)不识敌我,村支书带她甄别全村的“四类分子”,当来到所谓“坏人”金召(王咏歌 饰)家时,金召的坦荡和热情深深打动了乔叶叶。知青组长宋侃(丛林 饰)怕乔叶叶不能胜任繁重农活,把她调到伙房帮厨,厨师盼雨(梁冠华 饰)憨厚朴实,对叶叶很有好感,尤端阳(陈青 饰)认为这正好体现知青与贫下中农打成一片,在明知宋侃也对叶叶有意的情况下,她仍撮合盼雨与叶叶结合。新婚不久,盼雨病逝,而叶叶却有了身孕,洽逢文革结束,知青大返城。宋侃和端阳考上大学远走高飞,叶叶则面临孤立无援之境。金召平反后坦露了对叶叶的爱意,叶叶对此十分感激......
  • 大人物1942 2.0 大人物1942
    1942 剧情
    简介:  由于害怕因第三次犯案而终身监禁,被定罪的伯尔尼公爵(duke berne)从一场装甲车抢劫案中脱身,这起抢劫案是由他那奸诈的律师策划的,但他无论如何都是被陷害的。


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